We are showing here a selection of funds that might be of interest to you, either due to their recent outstanding performance, the attractive return potential or diversification benfit they may offer in the given market conditions.
Top Picks of the Month
Global equity markets recovered sharply in October from extreme lows and pessimism. China was the noteworthy exception with a deep slump following the outcomes of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party. President XI Jinping cemented an unprecedent degree of control in his country which raised concerns from foreign investors worldwide.
The solid corporate earnings’ season provided support even if they remain skewed to the downside, particularly in the consumer space.
October was a value month for equities with energy and financials outperforming. In this context, most equity funds failed to outperform their respective benchmarks except for the Artemis SmartGARP Global EM (+4.2%), Federated Hermes Impact Opportunities (+2.3%) and Liontrust UK Growth funds (+0.8%).
Corporate credit enjoyed also a relief in October with spread narrowing across all major markets, particularly in high yield.
The alpha generation in this asset class was much more widespread. Best relative outperformers during the month were the Barings Emerging Markets Local Debt (+1.6%), Vontobel TwentyFour Strategic Income (+1.4%) and Robeco Corporate Hybrids (+0.7%).
Within alternatives UCITS, Prosper Stars & Stripes , a L/S equity strategy, leads the table with a positive performance of +1.8%.
Performance figures are monthly alpha compared to respective funds’ benchmark, not absolute performance.
All the mentioned funds are exclusively extracted from our OpenList service, a fund selection list for use by Wealth Managers in Switzerland.
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