SAVE THE DATE – Ellipsis Global Convertible Bonds fund – MtM
What are the perspectives for the Convertible Bonds following the outstanding performance in 2020, which proved the Convertibles to be an asset class on its own?
As part of the “Meet-the-Manager” webinars for the funds selected in the OpenList, we are pleased to invite you to join the webcast organized by WS Partners.
Ellipsis Global Convertible Bonds
The live webinar will be held on
Thursday 3rd February at 9am CET
Nicolas Schrameck and Sébastien Caron, Portfolio Managers of the Ellipsis Global Convertible Bonds fund
The fund is a core allocation for a global convertible bond exposure, including bonds in emerging countries and with no rating restrictions.
Ellipsis AM is one of the Exane Group’s asset management units, which is owned 50% by BNP and 50% by Exane’s partners. Ellipsis is mainly focusing on managing Corporate bonds and Convertible bonds. They have over EUR 2bn of AuM of which more than half is managed in Convertible bonds.
Although the global fund has been launched in 2019, the PMs have a strong experience in managing European convertible strategies. The 3 PMs are working together for more than 3 years and they have implemented their investment process with convincing results.
Therefore, the fund combines two competitive advantages, being managed by an experienced and skilled team and with a still relatively small size (EUR 225mn), which is an crucial factor for the alpha generation in this asset class.
We look forward to welcoming you on February 3rd, 9am.