SAVE THE DATE – RobecoSAM SDG platform
Impact investing in equities and fixed income
As part of the “Meet-the-Manager” webinars for the funds selected in the OpenList, we are pleased to invite you to join the webcast organized by WS Partners.
RobecoSAM Global SDG Equities and RobecoSAM Global SDG Credit
The live webinar will be held on
Thursday 29th October at 9am CETÂ
Rainer Baumann, CIO Impact Investing, Lead Portfolio Manager (Equity)
Erik Keller, Client Portfolio Manager (Credit)
SDG investing is about both creating a positive impact and earning attractive returns. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) established by the UN in 2015, are a universal call to action and a solid framework for achieving this goal.
RobecoSAM was the first to launch SDG Credit funds and among the first with SDG Equities. The firm displays one of the greatest sustainable investing expertise in the world with 25 years of track record in this area.
They have developed a comprehensive 3-step framework to select companies for both strategies that will be discussed in more details during the webinar. It results in a proprietary SDG score, representing the company’s contribution to the SDGs and its overall impact.
The SDG Credits strategy invests in a diversified portfolio of global investment grade corporate bonds. It aims to outperform the Barclays Corporate Bond Index while making a positive contribution to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The fund gathers two of Robeco’s strongest skills: their SDG framework and their credit capability.
The SDG Equity fund invests in 5 impact areas derived form the 17 UN SDGs and sharing the same outcomes: basic needs, healthy planet, sustainable society, equality & opportunity and robust institutions. The portfolio construction is based on a minimum-variance approach, less skewed than peers towards growth bias. Large to mid-caps portfolio, aiming to outperform the MSCI World Index.