MtM by WSP – AXA WF Global Inflation Short Duration bonds fund

2nd December 2021

Inflation has become the central topic for markets, central bankers, politicians, and people on the streets. In fact, it has not been so central for decades, and it was only just a couple of years ago that we had doubts if we could even engineer inflation. As it turns out, we can, and the recipe is surprisingly simple and doesn’t require anything very complex – just print money faster than the world can produce and transport goods. For sure, exceptional circumstances related to the pandemic have exacerbated the situation and over time less fiscal and monetary stimulus should see the situation improve, even normalise. That being said, timing around the normalisation remains uncertain and patience could eventually wear thin. This is certainly the biggest risk for markets and one that is unlikely to disappear for a while. In this environment what are the best way to hedge against inflation risk?

With Jonathan Baltora, Head of Sovereign, Inflation & FX and Portfolio Manager who will help to answer this sensitive issue.

The aim of the AXA WF Global Inflation Short Duration bonds fund is to protect investors’ assets against future inflation. Their focus on low duration ensures a higher correlation of the fund’s total return to realised inflation in a low-rate environment. They seek performance through dynamic exposure mainly to short duration inflation-linked bonds issued by OECD governments, corporations, or public institutions worldwide.

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